IEC 61010

IEC 61010

IEC 61010

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IEC 60968 Testing

IEC 60968 Testing

Self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting services – Safety requirements

IEC 60968 Abstract:
IEC 60968 and EN 60968 testing specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements, together with the test methods and conditions required to show compliance of tubular fluorescent lamps with integrated means for controlling starting and stable operation (self-ballasted fluorescent lamps).

    Standard:       IEC 61032 IEC 60061 IEC 60335 IEC 60529 IEC 60068 IEC 60950 IEC 61010 IEC62368 IEC 60601
Test Probe Go Not Go Gauges Spring Impact Hammer Test Pin Probe Test Probe B Test Probe 18 IP Test Probe
Lampholder Gauges Lampcap Gauge Test Probe 11 UL Test Finger Probe Test Vessel Rigid Test Finger Impact Testing
test probe